patriot prisoner

Disclaimer: This product is meant to be a tongue-in-cheek reaction to a history in the making. President Donald Trump’s arrest. Regardless of where you stand politically, it’s undeniable that this day will be etched in the annals of history. A day of shock, sadness, and for many the first realization of tyranny.

A day that WE THE PEOPLE realized that THE STATE of AMERICA was an entity unto its own, with its own puppet president and morally bankrupt incentives.

Welcome to: We The People vs The State

So let’s all take part in commemorating when a former President, and leader of the opposing political party, was arrested for contesting the presidential election results he had knowledge about. Although it is yet to be proven, on the TV, that THE STATE OF AMERICA rigged the election, it is certain that THE STATE OF AMERICA indicts any and all political opponents that dare to ask the question.

Thus, the verdict is in. Whoever is in charge of Communist Joe and the Snowmen, will stop at nothing for power. Power taken from the people.
The time is now, to rage against this machine, and take the power back…